2025 UT Physics Summer Research Program
Department of Physics/University of Tennessee
A completed application includes this application form (paste it into a Word document), a current transcript or academic history, three letters of recommendation and an short essay describing your career goals and interest in science. These materials should be emailed to:
Professor Marianne Breinig
Department of Physics
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1200
Name ______________________________________
Date of Birth ___________ Birthplace _________________
Citizenship__________ If other than U.S., provide visa_________
Present Address
Street _________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________
Phone (___) _____________________________
email ___________________________________
Permanent Address
Street ___________________________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________
Phone (___)_____________________________
References (Names and addresses of three people you have asked to send
letters of recommendation)
Overall Grade Point Average __________ with A=3.0___ 4.0 ___
Current Academic Year: __Freshman, __Sophomore,__Junior,__Senior
Projected College Graduation Date _______________________
Preferred Research Areas
1. __________________________
Signature______________________ Date ___________